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Center of Internet and Information


Center of Internet and Information
2015-11-25 16:59  

     The Center of Internet and Information (referred to as the center) is mainly responsible for the campus network, the campus card and the information development.  


1.      Daily operation and management of the campus network, network fault processing;

2.      Data center management;

3.      Operation, management and maintenance of the campus card system;

4.      Monitoring system operation and maintenance;

5.      Technical support of the campus network application system;

6.      The campus information development planning and coordination.


     The center has a director and a deputy director. The director of the center is responsible for the macro management, decision-making and planning establishment. The deputy director of the center is responsible for decision-making, planning implement, coordinate the staff and deal with the daily work.

     The center has three subordinate organizations: Data Center, Network Service Center, and Network Operation & Maintenance Office.


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