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2017 Alliance of the National Outstanding Universities - Meeting of the Multi-Campus Management was held successfully in Panjin Campus
2017-10-13 11:45 Celina 


On Oct. 10th, the 2017 Alliance of the National Outstanding Universities - Multi-Campus Management Meeting was held in Panjin Campus, all nine universitites (including Dalian University of Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Ha Erbin Industrial University, The University of Chongqing, Huanan University of Technology, Northwest Industrial University, Tianjing University, Tongji University, Southeast University) and the leadership from Beijing Normal University attended the meeting. Professor Lu Zhongchang, the Vice President of DUT and the Director of the Administrative Committee of Panjin Campus, Professor He Gaohong, the Vice Director of Panjin Campus, Tian Shouzhi, the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and some related head of the departments attended the meeting.  







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